
MedinaCHF Student Council Members will model Christ-honoring behavior as they serve their community, glorifying God in all of their activities. Students will adopt the idea of true leadership as Christian Servanthood. They will accept opportunities of service with a positive attitude.
The MedinaCHF Student Council is opened to MedinaCHF homeschool students ages 13 to 18.
For more information, please contact Clara Stacko, the Student Council Advisor, at
Student Council List of Privileges
Students will be encouraged to use their talents and interests to develop leadership, communication, and teamwork skills.
Students will have the opportunity to lead an opening prayer, devotion, and leadership lesson at the student council meeting.
Students will have the opportunity to assist in the leadership of a monthly meeting.
Students will be able to organize student council events, including fundraisers.
Students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of community service projects, social events, field trips, and leadership-building activities.
Students will be honored at the MedinaCHF Student Council Ceremony and Reception at the end of the school year.
Student Council List of Responsibilities
Students will attend each monthly student council meeting. If a student cannot attend a meeting due to illness, family travel plans, or a family emergency, the parent or student should contact Clara Stacko. If student misses three or more meetings during the school year, the student will not receive a certificate at the end of the year.
Students will be good role models for others. Students will behave appropriately at each MedinaCHF Student Council event, service project, or meeting. Parents will be contacted if a student uses language or demonstrates behavior which is inappropriate, disrespectful, or unkind. The adult leaders of MedinaCHF Student Council reserve the right to remove a student from this group if problems persist.
Students will complete at least 20 hours of community service each year, which may include service to MedinaCHF, service projects at non-profit organizations, or service to one’s church or neighborhood.

"You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord', and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet." ~John 13:13-14